Recent Scientific Discoveries in the Spotlight

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For current scientific discoveries under the Spotlight, check it out.


3D astrophysics [Jan 2009 - astronomy]
Astrophysicists are using a novel 3D computer visualization technique to help them understand the role of gravity in the formation of vast, stellar nurseries, also known as molecular clouds. ...

Cosmic nanodiamonds [Jan 2009 - astronomy,chemistry,earth]
Tiny particles of crystalline carbon found in sediments at six sites in North America dating back almost 13000 years, suggest that a swarm of carbon-and-water-rich comets ...

Microbial power [Jan 2009 - chemistry,earth,materials]
New insights into the workings of a metal-munching bacteria and how it exploits semiconducting nanominerals could provide a new approach to making biological fuel cells ...

Scientific Discoveries in 2008

Scientific Discoveries in 2007

Scientific Discoveries in 2006

Scientific Discoveries in 2005

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New Scientist awarded Spotlight a rating of 10/10

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