What is botox?

Botulin is an enzyme, a protein. It is the toxic agent released by the microbe Clostridium botulinum and interferes with one of the neuronal fusion proteins (SNAP-25) breaking it down and preventing the neurons from releasing the neurotransmitter acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction. It thus causes muscle paralysis and ultimately death. Indeed, it is so lethal that just 100 grams would be enough to wipe out the entire human race (toxicity is 300 pg/kg)

The toxic agent in botulism is, of course, now more famous for its paralyzing effects on muscles of the face and is used to good effect in reducing wrinkles, in the form of Botox injections.

Learn more about botulin from the Wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Botulin_toxin

More on Botox injections from PSU - http://www.hmc.psu.edu/healthinfo/b/botox.htm

You can read more about how wrinkles form here - http://magazine.uchicago.edu/9604/9604Investig.html

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Slamming on the super brakes

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Green silicon production
P2P for scientists
Women in science
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Permanent implantable contact lenses
Profile of ETH Zurich
Paradoxical ozone

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