Do heavy metal fans get skin cancer

Denim jacketAs it is a holiday across the UK today, there is probably little need to warn Brits of the dangers of the sun’s rays, it’s usually so cold and wet, that the chances of frostbite and rust are much higher than sunburn. That said, summer is on its way and a paper in the latest edition of the Lancet medical journal warns that sunscreen and light cotton clothing are simply not enough to protect you from skin cancer caused by exposure to ultraviolet light from the sun.

Instead, the paper’s author suggest that anyone who dares to partake of the great outdoors should wear heavy cotton clothing such as denim, wool, or polyester, to block out those damaging rays. But, should this advice be well taken? Is the sun really to blame for the apparent increased incidence of skin cancer we hear reported or could it be that our car and desk bound sedentary lifestyles in which most people barely see the sun except on their foreign holidays are more to blame for compromising our immune systems and making us more susceptible to skin and various other forms of cancer.

We’ve covered this issue previously in Sciencebase, recent evidence points to a lack of vitamin D (manufactured in the skin during sunlight exposure) as being a much higher risk factor for various cancers than sun exposure itself.

The Lancet Review authored by dermatologist Stephan Lautenschlager of Triemli Hospital, in Zurich, Switzerland, analysed the various sun protection strategies used around the globe. “Wearing sun protective clothes and a hat and reducing sun exposure to a minimum should be preferred to sunscreens,” the team writes, “Often this solution is deemed to be unacceptable in our global, outdoor society, and sunscreens could become the predominant mode of sun protection for various societal reasons, for example healthiness of a tan, relaxation in the sun.”

The Review says that linen and loosely woven cotton represent less effective sun protection and that tightly woven, thick garments made of denim, wool or polyester offer the best protection; not exactly the kind of clothing anyone but heavy metal fans would want to wear on a scorching hot sunny day.

The paper points out that several studies have shown that sunscreen protects against acute UV skin damage and non-melanoma skin cancer, it is not known whether sunscreen stops melanoma developing. And, perhaps therein lies the rub, the connection between sunlight exposure and skin cancer itself is not as cut and dried as some commentators suggest.

“Suggesting wearing denim in hot weather is I think so stupid – it is very uncomfortable. Special clothing is not needed in the UK – on rare very hot days it is better simply to seek the shade – after some exposure to get your dose of D without burning, says Oliver Gillie of London-based lobby group Health Research Forum. He points out once more, that insufficient exposure to sunlight could be doing us more harm than good in terms of increasing cancer risk because of a lack of vitamin D.

“A link between heart disease and insufficient vitamin D is emerging,” he told Sciencebase, “and the National Heart Forum is interested in this aspect of the debate.” Given that until now the sunlight and skin cancer debate has essentially been a Cancer Research UK monopoly, it will be interesting to see how the heart charity approaches the issues.

There have been numerous other research developments that have not seen the media light of day. “There are links with infectious disease,” adds Gillie, “Vitamin D is important for maintaining immune system resistance a fact well-known to those treating tuberculosis a century ago and well before the advent of antibiotics.”

Cancer Research UK says that 90% of melanoma is caused by sun exposure. “This is a very contentious figure,” Gillie points out, “and is disputed.” He adds that it could be that as few as one in ten melanoma cases are caused by sun exposure. “Poor immunity is a big factor in melanoma and people who are on immune suppressing drugs e.g. transplant patients are at high risk,” he says.

Such observations certainly cloud the picture of sun exposure as the big skin cancer killer. He also points out that purported mechanisms for DNA damage and thence skin cancer formation based on the photochemistry of DNA itself no longer stack up because it is now known that melanin, the pigment that gives rise to a tan is a protective agent against the very mutagenic molecules thought to form on sun exposure. Indeed, Raymond Barnhill and colleagues writing in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute (2005, 97, 195-199) found that people with melanoma survive longer if they have more sun exposure. This is doubly ironic in that post-treatment melanoma patients are usually advised to stay out of the sun.

If the British weather is kind for once this Bank Holiday Monday, it will pour sunshine down on all of us. So, leave the denim at home, unless you are a heavy metal fan, and make sure your icecream doesn’t melt while you are sunning yourself.

Killer Shellfish – Domoic Acid

Domoic acidDomoic acid, a toxin produced by algae that can infest shellfish, is to blame for the recent spate of deaths from seafood poisoning, according to reports. The California Department of Health Services has detected elevated levels of domoic acid in sardines and mussels from coastal counties.

Domoic acid is synthesized by the microscopic alga, or diatom, Pseudo-nitzschia. Shellfish, including molluscs and crabs, ingest the algae, and so accumulate the toxin, ready to pass it on to some unsuspecting seafood diner. In large enough concentration, domoic acid causes amnesic shellfish poisoning. Symptoms occur within 24 hours and include vomiting, nausea, diarrhea and abdominal cramps. After a couple of days of such unpleasantness, short-term memory loss, dizziness, and confusion, can occur in severe cases as well as motor function problems, heart palpitations, and potentially coma and death.

Unfortunately, the toxin is not destroyed by cooking.

A total synthesis of domoic acid was carried out in 1982 by Yasufumi Ohfune and Masako Tomita of the Suntory Institute for Bioorganic Research, Japan, who corrected the initial structure report. (JACS, 1982, 104, 3511-3513).


Molecular wolfram demonstrations

Buckyball mathematicaThe Wolfram Demonstrations Project launched this week and represents what the developers describe as “a major new resource for research and education”. Well, that’s as maybe, but what is it? The project was first conceived by Stephen Wolfram creator of the Mathematica software that as its name suggests allows computers to produce visualisations of mathematical concepts.

The project sits under the umbrella of open-code and uses dynamic computation to bring Mathematica’s prowess to bear on a range of endeavours in science, technology, mathematics, art, finance and more. You do not actually need Mathematica to try out the site, but interactivity comes into its own if you have the program on your system.

The Demonstrations site presents a good gallery of examples of what’s possible in Mathematica 6, although it is not yet complete in the sense that users and others can provide input and help it develop still further. “The Demonstrations are contributed by a mix of Wolfram employees and Mathematica enthusiasts,” site Manager Joe Bolte told us, “so some topics are better represented than others.” He adds that, “Now that the site development is largely complete, we should be able to use Mathematica’s strength’s to quickly help chemistry
catch up to our better represented topics.”

Which brings me to my first search. I did the obvious one for a chemist visiting the site and typed “molecules” into the search box. Just three demonstrations with that keyword came up – Insulin molecule, Lotus effect, cluster of 120 spheres. The insulin shows a mutant protein based on data from the Brookhaven Protein Data Bank and allows you to rotate the molecule in 3D, to hide and reveal various atoms, and to zoom in. Everything that chemists are used to doing with Chime or JMol.

Lotus is a little more gratifying. This demo places spheres on a larger sphere, copies this assembly and places the duplicates on a still larger sphere. It heads towards a fractal structure and so can mimic the surface morphology of lotus leaves, which have incredible self-cleaning and water repellent properties. You can see an artificial lotus leaf surface in action in our video section.

The Lotus demo allows you to vary the size and spacing of the virtual balls and so allows you to emulate molecular and atomic clusters and viruses. There are other specialist tools for doing such manipulations with more accurate models of such entities, but the demonstration does indeed produce some very or ornamental images.

The final demonstration that showed up in my search also simulates molecular structure in a novel way. In this producing 3D models that resemble the shape, but not quite, of the [60]fullerene molecule, better known as the buckyball. Although such a representation may not be accurate in terms of the chemistry, playing with these structures could inspire new ideas with regard to what might be possible experimentally in terms of geometry. After all, Kroto, Smalley and colleagues figured out the buckyball structure when they realized it might resemble a soccerball.

Searching for the word “chemistry” itself threw up quite a few more demonstrations related to the field, including generalized Arrhenius function, a buckyball of buckyballs, discrete reaction and diffusion, and one on carbon dating. All provide a unique view of various physical phenomena.

Mathematica is a powerful tool and the demonstrations provide a superb showcase of the kinds of graphics it can produce.

I asked Bolte more about the technical extension of the site. “Mathematica’s high-level language makes it easy to quickly display data and prototype algorithms in a way that no other software package can match,” he explains, “And new in version 6, it has built-in access to databases of relevant data that are available with a single line of code.”

The system is backed up with a range of data sources, including chemical data and element data sources. Closely related is the Periodic Table by co-founder and chemist Theodore Gray.

Local fluff is no gas

Local fluffSending astronauts up to our nearest star to reignite the Sun, the premise of sci-fi movie Sunshine, is truly the least of our problems when we are currently faced with global climate change, global terrorism, and global economic collapse. Nevertheless, astronomers are concerned about recent findings regarding the hot gas surrounding our star and its stellar neighbours. Put simply they cannot find them.

A team led by Martin Barstow of Leicester University, England, has used data from the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) satellite to map the space in between the stars within a sphere of radius 300 light years. He reported details of the observations to the Royal Astronomical Society National Astronomy Meeting in Preston in April, explaining how the FUSE results show a distinct lack of oxygen. Received astronomical wisdom has it that local interstellar medium including the whole Solar system is embedded in a wispy diffuse cloud of hot gas, the so-called Local Fluff.

The findings, or lack of finding oxygen, suggests that an ancient stellar explosion, a supernova, blew away the gas from within the local interstellar medium leaving us with a less than fluffy cloud. More in this week’s SN.

Raman and the usual substrates

My latest round up of science news over on is now online. This week, I discuss how a lot of protein research looks only at molecules at rest, but could be enriched so much more by observing how these biological molecules change step by step as they interact with each other and their usual substrates. Researchers at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) and the Structural Biology Institute (IBS) have exploited the power of Raman spectroscopy to help them lock in on protein intermediates states that can then be snapped using X-rays from the synchrotron. The team can then piece together a stop-motion movie, in the style of Ray Harryhausen or Wallace and Gromit without the sword-wielding skeletons or sardonic dog.

Also in this week’s issue, dental researchers in London have demonstrated that the antibacterial solutions containing sodium hypochlorite (household bleach) and the calcium-sponge EDTA commonly used to clean up after root canal work, can actually destroy the organic content of the tooth’s dentine. I spoke to team leader, Kishor Gulabivala of the Eastman Dental Institute at University College London who pointed out that his team’s results have only so far been presented at a conference. Nevertheless, the research represents the first quantitative study of the effects of the antibacterial solutions on teeth, and suggest a need to reconsider their use in dental surgery.

Initially, I was concerned that it was their use in artificial teeth whitening that was the major issue, but Gulabivala assures me it is not. Despite this, I found several websites (amateur and otherwise) that suggest hypochlorite can be used as a bleaching agent for the teeth. Personally, I’d rather stick with yellow, stained teeth (if I happened to have them) rather than risking a mouthful of bleach.

A surgical robot that uses its own MRI scanner to pinpoint targets with microscopic precision also caught my eye for news on the SpectroscopyNOW MRI channel this week.

Ten years of online chemical community

Joao Aires de Sousa emailed me a while back to tell me that the excellent ORGLIST email discussion group was coming up to its tenth anniversary. I remember it was essential reading for bored staff in the editorial offices where I worked, providing light relief and a loose connection with the real world of chemistry happening beyond our admin system and manuscripts.

Trouble is, I got waylaid with other matters on the Sciencebase blog and overlooked Joao’s original post until last week, when I discovered that the tenth anniversary had been and gone. The first post was made on March 15, 1997 to announce the formation of the list and said simply “ORGLIST is a new mailing list dedicated to Organic Chemistry” and giving details on how to subscribe. Joao in this inaugural missive also asked everyone who received it to forward the email to potentially interested parties. Such was the extent of viral marketing in those days at a time when Youtube, Web 2.0, wikis, and blogs simply didn’t exist in the current sense.

The first “real” post was in French and asked about where to find information on the Blue Bottle experiment and the Ammonia Fountain, perennial high school science lab fodder, I believe.

A celebratory ORGLIST symposium entitled “Computers at the frontiers of Organic Chemistry” will be held this July 17 in parallel with the 7th National Meeting of Organic Chemistry of the Portuguese Chemical Society.

“Thousands of chemists from all over the world have gathered on ORGLIST to discuss Organic Chemistry,” Joao says.

I asked Joao about the longevity of the list. “Its success resides in email,” he says, “Email has a unique combination of features that make it extremely convenient. It is probably the Internet tool most integrated into the information processing routines of chemists.” He points out that checking email is pretty much a daily routine for almost everyone in science. “I think that makes email a great channel for building virtual networks of scientists,” he adds, “probably more than ever before!” Reaches the daily lives of hundreds of subscribers. “This allows quick, useful answers to posts and makes users feel part of a community,” Joao says, “That and ten years of online history.”