Webtoons about STEM university

TL:DR – STEM webcomic search term ideas.

Several of you have recently been searching for the following phrase and reaching sciencebase.com: “webtoons about stem university”.

Cartoon of someone looking grumpy while searching the web for "webtoons about stem university"

I couldn’t work out what that  might be about specifically, but had some thoughts. First, if you’re searching for “webtoons about stem university,” perhaps you were looking for web comics or digital comics that are related to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields and set in a university or college setting. Perhaps not…

Maybe you were interested in finding engaging and entertaining ways to learn more about STEM subjects, possibly with a focus on university-level education. Seems unlikely…

As I was typing the above introduction, it suddenly occurred to me that what you might have been searching for is the well-known  comic XKCD or something similar. XKCD posts regular jokes and satire with a mathematical and educational bent. It actually describes itself as “A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language”, but taken broadly that could be synonymous with “webtoons about stem university” could it not?

If it wasn’t XKCD specifically that you were after, then maybe it was one of the following alternatives:

PhD Comics – This webcomic is written by Jorge Cham, a former mechanical engineering instructor turned full-time cartoonist. PhD Comics features humorous depictions of life in academia and graduate school, including research struggles and the challenges of pursuing a PhD.

Piled Higher and Deeper (PHD) TV – This is the sister site to PhD Comics, featuring videos that cover a range of topics related to research and higher education, including academic conferences, grant applications, and interviews with academics.

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal (SMBC) – This webcomic by Zach Weinersmith covers a range of topics, including science, philosophy, and pop culture. While not exclusively focused on research or higher education, SMBC often includes witty commentary on academic life and scientific research.

Abstruse Goose – This webcomic by cartoonist Ira is a mix of science, math, and technology humor, with a focus on research and academic life.

Dinosaur Comics – This webcomic by Ryan North features the same images in every strip, with the dialogue changing to address different topics, including science, philosophy, and technology.

The Awkward Yeti – This webcomic by Nick Seluk features humorous depictions of the human body and medical science, often featuring characters such as the heart, brain, and stomach as characters.

The Oatmeal – This webcomic by Matthew Inman covers a range of topics, including science, technology, and current events, with a humourous and irreverent tone.

Questionable Content – This webcomic by Jeph Jacques follows the lives of a group of young adults, with a focus on relationships, music, and technology.

If this wasn’t what you were after, please let me know what you meant by “webtoons about stem university”.