Peter Higgs and the chocolate cookie

Back in 1993, the then UK Science Minister, William Waldegrave (remember him?) launched a competition for the best lay explanation of the Higgs boson and how it might theoretically endow other particles with mass. The prize-winning Higgs analogy came from Professor David Miller of University College London and used the movements of a scientist in a room to explain how particles get mass.

I’ve taken huge liberties with Miller’s concept to bring it up to date for this week’s Higgs boson news from the LHC at CERN:

Picture the scene: Geordie boy Prof Peter Higgs steps out of the lecture theatre into the refreshments area, hoping to get to the coffee and those delicious chocolate cookies. Unfortunately, he is besieged by a throng of clamouring scientists, hacks and hangers-on. He keeps his eye on the biscuit tray but nods and chats to his peers as he proceeds slowly, attracting a bigger and bigger crowd, signing autographs, fielding questions as he goes. The “field” of hangers-on – the Higgs bosons – slows Prof Higgs in his quest to move from lecture theatre door to the refreshments it’s as if he is now so massive he can barely move, there are so many Higgs bosons surrounding the Prof.

Then, from the door comes CERN’s Professor Incandela, he’s famous, of course, well-respected, but not quite the heavyweight as the eminent Professor Higgs. Nevertheless, he attracts some hangers-on and interacts with the field too, but he has not gained so much mass and is eyeing up the rapidly dwindliny supply of chocolate cookies worriedly but moving steadily towards it.

Meanwhile, fast as light a lowly post-doc emerges from the lecture theatre having been released at the flick of a switch. Needless to say none of the bosons notice her despite her PhD and electromagnetic personality. There is no interaction with the field, it is as if she is the ultimate size-zero. With no mass to slow her she speeds through the field photonically heading straight for the last remaining chocolate cookie grabbing it in a flash, and it’s gone, photolysed into oblivion.

With apologies to the Profs and that lowly post-doc, who really took the biscuit!

You can read Prof Miller’s original prize-winning analogy from 1993 here.

2011 Nobel Prize in Physics

The 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics is awarded to Saul Perlmutter, Brian P. Schmidt and Adam G. Riess “for the discovery of the accelerating expansion of the Universe through observations of distant supernovae” with one half to Perlmutter and the other half jointly to Schmidt and Riess.

Perlmutter is at The Supernova Cosmology Project, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA. Schmidt is at The High-z Supernova Search Team, Australian National University, Weston Creek, Australia and Riess at The High-z Supernova Search Team, Johns Hopkins University and Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, MD, USA.

Basically, this is for the supernovae evidence for “dark energy” (the 2008 sciencebase feature on dark energy).

In 1998, cosmology was shaken at its foundations as two research teams presented their findings. Headed by Perlmutter, one of the teams had set to work in 1988. Schmidt headed another team, launched at the end of 1994, where Riess was to play a crucial role. The research teams raced to map the Universe by locating the most distant supernovae. More sophisticated telescopes on the ground and in space, as well as more powerful computers and new digital imaging sensors (CCD, Nobel Prize in Physics in 2009), opened the possibility in the 1990s to add more pieces to the cosmological puzzle.

The teams used a particular kind of supernova, called type Ia supernova. It is an explosion of an old compact star that is as heavy as the Sun but as small as the Earth. A single such supernova can emit as much light as a whole galaxy. All in all, the two research teams found over 50 distant supernovae whose light was weaker than expected – this was a sign that the expansion of the Universe was accelerating. The potential pitfalls had been numerous, and the scientists found reassurance in the fact that both groups had reached the same astonishing conclusion.

For almost a century, the Universe has been known to be expanding as a consequence of the Big Bang about 14 billion years ago. However, the discovery that this expansion is accelerating is astounding. If the expansion will continue to speed up the Universe will end in ice.

The acceleration is thought to be driven by dark energy, but what that dark energy is remains an enigma – perhaps the greatest in physics today. What is known is that dark energy constitutes about three quarters of the Universe. Therefore the findings of the 2011 Nobel Laureates in Physics have helped to unveil a Universe that to a large extent is unknown to science. And everything is possible again.

Full announcement – The 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics.

UPDATE: 11:03 BST: Schmidt compares winning the Nobel to the birth of his children, in interview with Nobel committee broadcast live. Says he feels weak at the knees. Even though he was one of the favourites to win the 2011 Prize, it was unexpected. Looking forward to teaching his cosmology class on Wednesday on this very subject. Grew up in Alaska so looking forward to the medals in December in the Swedish winter.

Thought Perlmutter’s team were getting an answer that the universe is slowing down not speeding up, was with trepidation that revealed to the world that the expansion of the universe is speeding up. A little scared by their findings. Always looks to Einstein for explanation, the energy of space itself, the simplest reason for the acceleration of the expansion of the universe. So despite, recent allegedly superluminal neutrinos, Einstein’s 1915 theory does predict the acceleration the supernovae data provide evidence for. Confirm Einstein’s cosmological constant published 1917.

Five more science stories

  • Tevetron finds new particle – Scientists at the particle accelerator have reported a study of the invariant mass distribution of jet pairs produced in association with a W boson using data collected with the CDF detector which correspond to an integrated luminosity of 4.3 fb^-1. The observed distribution has an excess in the 120-160 GeV/c^2 mass range which is not described by current theoretical predictions within the statistical and systematic uncertainties. They found a new particle, in other words. Possibly.
  • Open-source chemistry – Nothing beats ChemDraw…apparently…but if you're on Linux, you're stuck. Simply doing a search in the Ubuntu Software Installer for chemical drawing software turns up quite a few results, often with confusingly similar names (Xdrawchem, GChemPaint, JChemPaint, Chemtool, ChemSketch, Marvinsketch, BKChem, to name a few). Are there alternatives out there for Linux users?
  • Molecule to dye for – Worms live longer if protein homeostasis is maintained by adding a dye molecule to their diet, according to new study. The dye molecule Thioflavin T precludes the kind of protein misfolding that, in humans, leads to aging effects and Alzheimer's disease.<br />
    The research by an international team from Sweden and the USA investigated how aging might be slowed and lifespan extended in the biomedical researcher's favourite worm Caenorhabditis elegans by exposing it to the dye molecule. They used fluorescence and absorption studies to assess exposure and results.
  • Antioxidant cosmeceuticals – While cosmetic manufacturers tend to avoid producing actual medical effects in skin for fear of their products being subsumed into the pharmaceutical regulatory process, there is a need to understand how so-called "cosmeceuticals" might affect the aging process in skin. Resonance Raman spectroscopy has recently emerged as a useful technique for the non-invasive investigation of the interaction of carotenoid antioxidants with free radicals in the skin.
  • Designer drug identified – A new "designer" drug related to "ecstasy" (3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine) and methamphetamine has recently been found on sale as bath salts in the USA, although it was first identified on the black market in Germany in 2009. A new study discusses how infrared and NMR spectroscopy were used in conjunction with mass spectrometry to identify the compound as 3,4-methylenedioxypyrrolidinobutyrophenone.

The latest selection of five science stories, picked up by David Bradley Science Writer @sciencebase.

Six science selections

  • How Radiation Threatens Health – Why and how does exposure to radiation make you ill? What levels of exposure are dangerous and what levels are lethal?
  • Fukushima is a triumph for nuke power – Quake + tsunami = 1 minor radiation dose so far, says El Reg. Tragic as recent events in Japan have been. We should be building more nuclear reactors not fewer. Global warming caused by burning more and more fossil fuel in coming decades will have a far more detrimental effect on many more people than minor nuclear leaks.
  • Dog walking ‘is good exercise’ – Owning a dog but not walking it is bad for the dog’s owner as well as the dog. NHS Choices unravels the spin on recent headlines proclaiming dog ownership good for health.
  • Top banana – Atomic absorption spectroscopy is being used to assess how well banana peel can filter heavy metals, such as copper, from waste water. Preliminary results look promising and could lead to an ecologically sound method of industrial cleanup that uses a renewable but otherwise wasted source material.
  • Toxic robot – A new high-speed robotic screening system for chemical toxicity testing was recently unveiled by collaborating US federal agencies, including the National Institutes of Health. The system will screen some 10,000 different chemicals for putative toxicity in what represents the first phase of the "Tox21" program aimed at protecting human health and improving chemical testing.
  • Crystal unknowns – Frank Leusen and his co-workers at the University of Bradford, England, have turned to a quantum mechanical approach to help them predict the three known possible polymorphic structures of a sulfonimide. The work could assist crystallographers in structure determination of unknowns

My latest selection of six science stories, picked up by David Bradley Science Writer @sciencebase.

Large Hadron Collider FAQ

The Large Hadron Collider is big, big news at the moment. Described as the biggest, most complicated machine ever built it will hopefully help physicists solve some of the great mysteries of space and time, such as: What happened a trillionth of a second after the Big Bang? Why does matter have mass? Where did all the antimatter go? Are there seven more dimensions wrapped up very, very small indeed? What happens when you make a microscopic black hole travelling at 99.999999% the speed of light in a giant metal ring beneath 100 metres in the Swiss countryside?

Well, here’s a short primer to bring you up to speed on the LHC and the so-called God Particle it hopes to find.

What is the Large Hadron Collider?

It is an internationally funded research installation based at CERN on the Swiss-French border. It is composed of millions of parts, weighing tens of thousands of tonnes in total and situated 100 metres below ground. It is shaped like an enormous, hollow doughnut, a torus shape, with various instruments and controls stationed around the ring at strategic points. Thousands of scientists and engineers have worked on the LHC and thousands will be involved in the research carried out. there.

What’s the operating temperature of the LHC?

It will operate at -271 Celsius, that’s an extremely chilly 1.9 degrees above absolute zero.

What will the LHC do?

Put simply, the LHC will create beams of particles, known as hadrons, that will travel around the ring at speeds approaching that of the speed of light. Ultimately two beams travelling in opposite directions will be created and allowed to collide. The high-energy collision (7 tera-electronvolts; 0.23×10-7 Joules roughly the equivalent of a head-on collision between two fruit flies but packed into a subatomic volume) will mimic conditions in the universe a trillionth of a second after the Big Bang and hopefully give scientists new insights into matter, energy, space, time, and other dimensions.

What is a hadron?

A hadron (pronounced had-ron, as opposed to hay-dron) is any sub-atomic particle composed of quarks and/or gluons. They include the well-known protons and neutrons found in the atomic nucleus. but also include the more exotic lambda and omega particles, pions and kaons.

What are the various instruments around the ring and what will they measure?

Atlas – A Toroidal LHC ApparatuS (a rather contrived acronym, if ever there was one) is a general purpose detector and will spot all kinds of particles produced by hadron collisions.

CMS – Compact Muon Solenoid – is also a general purpose detector that can measure the energy and momentum of photons (particles of light), electrons (particles of electricity), muons (superheavy electrons).

LHCb – LHC-beauty – a detector aimed at spotting symmetry violations in specific hadron collisions.

ALICE – A Large Ion Collider Experiment – the main particle tracking device.

TOTEM – Total Cross Section, Elastic Scattering and Diffraction Dissociation – does what it says on the tin, measures various energies.

LHCf – LHC-forward – measures any bow wave effects during a hadron collision.

How much has it cost?

2.6 billion pounds (about $4.6 billion) with the Collider itself costing about two-thirds of that and the detectors a third.

What’s the cost to the UK?

Apparently, it works out at about the price of a pint of beer per year for every person in the country.

Isn’t that a waste of money, what about curing HIV and cancer?

Scientists are spending more than that on finding cures for HIV and cancer, this is additional research. Moreover, the results from this study could revolutionise not only physics but the way we see the world and the technologies and medicine we might one day create. Sceptics said something similar about the discovery of the electron in 1897, and look where that discovery has taken us so far.

What does CERN stand for?

Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire’ (in English the European Council for Nuclear Research).

So, this is all about weapons?

Not at all, the nuclear refers only to the fact that the research is into the nucleus of the atom.

Where does the God particle come into all this?

The so-called God particle, is known as the Higgs boson. This is a hypothetical sub-atomic particle thought to endow matter with its substance, its mass and so is closely related to gravity. The particle was postulated by three physicists, François Englert and Robert Brout, and Peter Higgs who hypothesised its existence in 1964. If its existence is proven by LHC experiments it will validate the Standard Model of modern physics and provide the foundations for deriving a Grand Unified Theory of everything.

When will they start doing actual experiments rather than tests?

The LHC is the most complex machine ever built, millions of components have to work together in perfect harmony before hadron collisions can begin, it will be weeks, if not months, before the scientists carry out the first actual experiments to search for the God Particle.

Will we hear about the results as soon as the first experiments are done?

Once experiments are underway, the LHC will be producing petabytes of data (a petabyte is a billion megabytes), which simply cannot be processed by even today’s supercomputers. CERN is developing an ultrapowerful distributed Grid computing network (like email on steroids) that will process the data and give the thousands of scientists material to work with for years to come. My guess is that the first scientific paper of import from LHC will not be published until at least 2010, although preliminary results will no doubt appear before that.

Does the Big Bang theory hinge on the existence of the Higgs boson?

No, not at all. Higgs and his colleagues simply postulated a framework to explain why particles are made of stuff, i.e. have a mass.

What happens if the LHC does not find the Higgs boson?

A null result for the Higgs will imply that the BEH mechanism of how matter gets its mass is probably wrong, which will in turn imply that the Standard Model of modern physics is also wrong. However, the LHC results will not be wasted as Stephen Hawking and others predict that something even more bizarre will emerge from the collisions that will help scientists construct new theories. Some scientists are even hoping that they won’t find the Higgs as what they will find could be even more exciting.

Will the LHC produce a black hole that will suck the earth into it and kill us all in a primordial vortex of doom?



Yes. Although the LHC is a huge experiment creating massive energies, these are similar to the millions of collisions that take place between hadrons in the earth’s upper atmosphere as cosmic rays bombard the planet. With long odds of 50-billion to 1 against of a microscopic black hole even forming, the chances of it not simply falling apart on its creation and spawning a shower of new and exotic particles are as close to zero as you can get.

So Torchwood has got it wrong?

Most certainly. Captain Jack John Barrowman may have visited the LHC during its erection but I think he was hoping to experience not a large hadron collision but something typographically different.

Where can I watch the LHC Rap?

Right here.

Will there be an Extra Large Hadron Collider?

Yes. Eventually. Although the LHC is big and high power, it is just one in a long(ish) line of colliders of increasing power. It will only be able to peer back in time to the first trillionth of a second after the Big Bang, inevitably scientists will want to push that limit further by going to higher energies, which means a bigger still collider.

Credits: LHC Schematic drawn by Wikipedia contributor Arpad Horvath. You can read a comment from Sciencebase reader Dr Walter L. Wagner on the subject of black holes and revelations here.

How to teach physics to your dog

There have been rough guides, books for dummies, even howtos for idiots, but Chad Orzel is probably the first to take explain an important corner of human endeavour solely to his dog in How to teach physics to your dog. Ironically, the subject on which he focuses, physics, is a realm usually the preserve of probabilistically ill-fated cats.

Nevertheless, Orzel uses humour and clarity to explain the ins and outs of black holes and quantum entanglement to his dog and along the way teaches us some of the fundamentals the vexed the greats, among them Bohr and Einstein.

Meanwhile, Sean Carroll takes us on a journey from Eternity to Here. This book offers a provocatively different view of time, that most elusive and fundamental of notions. Carroll points out that Einstein treated time as simply a fourth dimension in the universe a perpendicular component of spacetime. However, that assumption ignores the fact that unlike the x, y, z of space, t has a direction, heading from the Big Bang to now and into the future. Could that fact be explained by looking at what happened before the Big Bang?

Inventors and Inventions is a big book full of big ideas. It basically does what it says on the tin, in classic style. There are nice big pictures of fountain pen nibs, universal joints, lightbulbs, and band aids, all tied up with the context of their history and the lives of their inventors. In this age of Wikis and 140-character limits, it’s nice to know that someone can still produce a traditional non-fiction book of substance.

Also landing on the Sciencebase desk this month, one of those idiots books I mentioned earlier. This time it’s The complete idiot’s guide to phobias. As the name would suggest, this is a tour of an area of psychology of which many of us know a little, but few understand a lot (Psychologists aside, that is). The term phobia is too big an umbrella for a whole spectrum of mental conditions from the mild panic that some people suffer on seeing a truly harmless spider in the bath to the debilitating effects of anxiety disorders fixated on social interactions, say. Gregory Korgeski gives us a full-colour view of this spectrum.

Finally, here’s a title that will undoubtedly get the so-called intelligent design crowd What Darwin Got Wrong chomping at the bit and baying for evolutionary blood. But, it shouldn’t. This is not a book about god nor intelligent design (creationism), the authors assert. Instead, they claim to have found a fatal flaw in the science of Darwin’s approach to natural selection that should provide biology with a new perspective on evolution.

Jerry Fodor and Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini suggest that the evidence does not point to evolution taking place through a single survival of the fittest mechanism, rather that there are countless biological causes that totally eradicate “intention” from biology and evolution. If the ID crowd were perturbed by Darwin, then they should be very scared of the new guys as they remove the last vestiges of metaphysical guidance from our creation. There are no gods, no mother nature, and no grand design.

Shedding Light on Neon Signs

neon-signAs regular readers know, I like to keep a fairly close eye on what Sciencebase visitors are searching for so that I can put together new posts that provide answers to the questions readers want answering. Recently, there has been a spate of search queries related to neon signs. Perhaps not the most exciting of subjects, but there is some nice chemistry to be learned from all the different colours available, so I thought I’d shed some light on the subject of noble gas illumination.

Incidentally, for those unaware of the history of noble gases, they were at one time known as inert gases because chemists thought their full outer shell of electrons made them unreactive. As more and more reactions for these so-called inert gases were discovered, it became necessary to abandon the “inert” label and focus on their nobility.

A neon light is not really much more than a fluorescent tube (actually, it’s less as it needs no phosphor coating on the inside), neon tubes contain the noble gas neon, surprise, surprise. Pass an electric discharge through a tube containing low pressure neon and it will glow with that familiar orange-red glow, so evocative of late-night bars and sleazy movies.

A neon light uses a very high voltage to propel an electric current through a low-density gas of neon atoms held in a glass tube. Charges from the electrode at each end of the tube fly through the gas colliding frequently with neon atoms and transferring some of their energy to the neon atoms. This kicks the neon atoms into a higher energy, excited state, with an electron in a higher orbital than normal. This excited state does not last and as the electron loses energy the atom drops back to a lower energy state and releases a photon of light. The energy of this photon is equivalent to the energy fall and for neon atoms that coincides with an energy that produces a reddish glow.

Many people, unfamiliar with the noble gas group of the periodic table – the p-block, assume that all coloured fluorescent tubes used in signage are neon signs. However, there are two ways to produce other colours – paint a standard mercury tube with the colour you want or far more effectively use a different noble gas in the tube instead of neon, perhaps together with mercury vapour to give a stronger glow. Here’s a break down of the discharge colours for each noble gas.

Helium (He) – Orangey white, usually
Neon (Ne) – Orange-red glow
Argon (Ar) – Violet, pale lavender blue
Krypton (Kr) – Grayish dim off-white
Xenon (Xe) – Blue-grey
Radon (Rn) – radioactive, not used in lighting

Of course, it is not only the noble gases and mercury vapour that can be added to lighting tubes. Nitrogen produces a slightly pinker glow than argon, oxygen glows violet-lavender but dimly. Hydrogen glows lavender at low currents, but pinkish magenta above 10 milliAmps, while carbon dioxide produces a slight bluish-white. Mercury can be made to glow in the ultraviolet, and is used in so-called black lights. Sodium vapour at low pressure glows the bright yellow of street lighting, particularly in England. And, even water vapour produces a glow similar to hydrogen, only dimmer .

Nobel Prize for Physics 2008

The Nobel Prize for Physics 2008 is announced here Tuesday, October 7.

The Nobel Prize in Physics goes to Yoichiro Nambu (born 1921) of the Enrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago “for the discovery of the mechanism of spontaneous broken symmetry in subatomic physics” and to Makoto Kobayashi (b. 1944) of the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) Tsukuba, Japan, and Toshihide Maskawa (b. 1940) of the Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics (YITP), Kyoto University Kyoto, “for the discovery of the origin of the broken symmetry which predicts the existence of at least three families of quarks in nature”. You can read the full press release from the Nobel org here.

As I mentioned in my previous post on the 2008 Nobel Prize for Medicine and Physiology item, yesterday, the team, led by Simon Frantz have been using modern web 2.0 type technologies, including RSS and twitter to get the word out to journalists as fast as they can. Part of the reason, apparently, was to save journalists from suffering serious F5 button finger strain at announcement time.

Anyway, here’s the twitter update page – Nobel tweets. They also created a neat little widget so that we could embed the timetable into a website (see left). As you can see, the 2008 Nobel Prize for Chemistry will be announced Wednesday October 8. I’m hoping once again for some straight chemistry, rather than bio-flavoured molecules, as this will give me a chance to get my teeth into my journalistic alma mater as it were.

Double Tennis Racquet Racket

two-racquet-tennisI’m not sure what to make of this, but Don Mueller, of William Paterson University, New Jersey, who goes by the nickname Dr Bones sent me some video clips of what is, essentially, a new sport he invented – two-racquet tennis. Now, my first thought was: “what the flip?” But, apparently his service velocity is higher than that of most tennis professionals, although I don’t think that has anything to do with using a racquet in each hand.

Anyway, he has posted a selection of videos on Youtube to demonstrate his prowess at this new sport:

Tennis Serve (a), Tennis Serve (b), Groundstrokes (a), Groundstrokes (b), Drills-righthand (a), Drills-lefthand (b)

Mueller tells me that he combined his understanding of basic physics to devise the “Whip-Grip”, which gives him the higher velocity. He says there are other advantages of playing tennis with a racquet in each hand: “It’s really great at the net and no more tennis elbow pain from hitting backhands, the cause of most tennis injuries,” he explains, “Where most people say, Why?, I say, Why not?”

Mueller is a teaching adjunct at WPU and this semester he tells me he’s teaching mathematics. “I’ve taught chemistry, physics and math at WPU and that’s the way I like it,” he says, “With a PhD in chemical physics, I enjoy teaching all of these subjects. Not being tied down allows me to do other things, which in my case means performing science and health shows for the public along with my promotion of two-racquet tennis.”

The notion of reinventing a well-known and popular sport by the novel application of physics is not entirely new. Just think of the football (soccer) players on the fields of Rugby School in England, when William Webb Ellis during the early nineteenth century famously made the ball defy gravity and invented the eponymous team sport – rugby – from which American football was ultimately to evolve. Perhaps in 100 years’ time two-racquet tennis will have its own name, ambibat, perhaps and be just as common. One has to wonder how a McEnroe of the future might cope though, with two racquets to fling at the umpire!

What on earth and off earth is dark energy?

TL:DR – A reprint of a feature article of mine on Dark Energy that was published in StarDate magazin in July 2007.

Type 1a Supernova Credit: NASA/Swift/S. Immler)Forget the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), with its alleged ability to create earth-sucking microscopic black holes, its forthcoming efforts to simulate conditions a trillionth of a second after the Big Bang 100 metres beneath the Swiss countryside. There is a far bigger puzzle facing science that the LHC cannot answer: What is the mysterious energy that seems to be accelerating ancient supernovae at the farthest reaches of the universe?

In the late 1990s, the universe changed. The sums suddenly did not add up. Observations of the remnants of stars that exploded billions of years ago, Type Ia supernovae, showed that not only are they getting further away as the universe expands but they are moving faster and faster. It is as if a mysterious invisible force works against gravity and pervades the cosmos accelerating the expansion of the universe. This force has become known as dark energy and although it apparently fills the universe, scientists have absolutely no idea what it is or where it comes from, several big research teams around the globe are working with astronomical technology that could help them find an answer.

Until type Ia supernovae appeared on the cosmological scene, scientists thought that the expansion of the universe following the Big Bang was slowing down. Type Ia supernovae are very distant objects, which means their light has taken billions of years to reach us. But, their brightness could be measured to a high degree of accuracy that they provide astronomers with a standard beacon with which the vast emptiness of space could be illuminated, figuratively speaking.

The supernovae data, obtained by the High-Z SN Search team and the Supernova Cosmology Project, rooted in Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, suggested that not only is the universe expanding, but that this expansion is accelerating. to make On the basis of the Type Ia supernovae, the rate of acceleration of expansion suggests that dark energy comprises around 73% the total energy of the universe, with dark matter representing 24% of the energy and all the planets, stars, galaxies, black holes, etc containing a mere 4%.


Professor Karl Gebhardt and Senior Research Scientists Dr Gary Hill and Dr Phillip McQueen and their colleagues running the Hobby Eberly Telescope Dark Energy Experiment (HETDEX) based at the McDonald Observatory in Texas are among the pioneers hoping to reveal the source and nature of dark energy. Those ancient supernovae are at a “look-back time” of 9 billion years, just two-thirds the universe’s age. HETDEX will look back much further to 10 -12 billion years.

HETDEX DomeHETDEX will not be looking for dark energy itself but its effects on how matter is distributed. “In the very early Universe, matter was spread out in peaks and troughs, like ripples on a pond, galaxies that later formed inherited that pattern,” Gebhardt explains. A detailed 3D map of the galaxies should reveal the pattern. “HETDEX uses the characteristic pattern of ripples as a fixed ruler that expands with the universe,” explains Senior Research Scientist Gary Hill. Measuring the distribution of galaxies uses this ruler to map out the positions of the galaxies, but this needs a lot of telescope time and a powerful new instrument. “Essentially we are just making a very big map [across some 15 billion cubic light years] of where the galaxies are and then analyzing that map to reveal the characteristic patterns,” Hill adds.

“We’ve designed an upgrade that allows the HET to observe 30 times more sky at a time than it is currently able to do,” he says. HETDEX will produce much clearer images and work much better than previous instruments, says McQueen. Such a large field of view needs technology that can analyze the light from those distant galaxies very precisely. There will be 145 such detectors, known as spectrographs, which will simultaneously gather the light from tens of thousands of fibers. “When light from a galaxy falls on one of the fibers its position and distance are measured very accurately,” adds Hill.

The team has dubbed the suite of spectrographs VIRUS. “It is a very powerful and efficient instrument for this work,” adds Hill, “but is simplified by making many copies of the simple spectrograph. This replication greatly reduces costs and risk as well.”

McQueen adds that after designing VIRUS, the team has built a prototype of one of the 145 unit spectrographs. VIRUS-P is now operational on the Observatory’s Harlan J. Smith 2.7 m telescope, he told us, “We’re delighted with its performance, and it’s given us real confidence in this part of our experiment.”

VIRUS will make observations of 10,000 galaxies every night. So, after just 100 nights VIRUS will have mapped a million galaxies. “We need a powerful telescope to undertake the DEX survey as quickly as possible,” adds McQueen. Such a map will constrain the expansion of the universe very precisely. “Since dark energy only manifests itself in the expansion of the universe, HETDEX will measure the effect of dark energy to within one percent,” Gebhardt says. The map will allow the team to determine whether the presence of dark energy across the universe has had a constant effect or whether dark energy itself evolves over time.

“If dark energy’s contribution to the expansion of the universe has changed over time, we expect HETDEX to see the change [in its observations],” adds Gebhardt, “Such a result will have profound implications for the nature of dark energy, since it will be something significantly different than what Einstein proposed.”


Scientific scrutiny of the original results has been so intense that most cosmologists are convinced dark energy exists. “There was a big change in our understanding around 2003-2004 as a triangle of evidence emerged,” says Bob Nichol of the University of Portsmouth, England, who is working on several projects investigating dark energy.


First, the microwave background, the so-called afterglow of creation, showed that the geometry of the universe has a mathematically “flat” structure. Secondly, the data from the Type Ia supernovae measurements show that the expansion is accelerating. Thirdly, results from the Anglo-Australian 2dF redshift survey and then the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) showed that on the large scale, the universe is lumpy with huge clusters of galaxies spread across the universe.

The SDSS carried out the biggest galaxy survey to date and confirmed gravity’s role in the expansion structures in the universe by looking at the ripples of the Big Bang across the cosmic ocean. “We are now seeing the corresponding cosmic ripples in the SDSS galaxy maps,” Daniel Eisenstein of the University of Arizona has said, “Seeing the same ripples in the early universe and the relatively nearby galaxies is smoking-gun evidence that the distribution of galaxies today grew via gravity.”

But why did an initially smooth universe become our lumpy cosmos of galaxies and galaxy clusters? An explanation of how this lumpiness arose might not only help explain the evolution of the early universe, but could shed new light on its continued evolution and its ultimate fate. SDSS project will provide new insights into the nature of dark energy’s materialistic counterpart, dark matter.

As with dark energy, dark matter is a mystery. Scientists believe it exists because without it the theories that explain our observations of how galaxies behave would not stack up. Dark matter is so important to these calculations, that a value for all the mass of the universe five times bigger than the sum of all the ordinary matter has to be added to the equations to make them work. While dark energy could explain the accelerating acceleration our expanding universe, the existence of dark matter could provide an explanation for how the lumpiness arose.

“In the early universe, the interaction between gravity and pressure caused a region of space with more ordinary matter than average to oscillate, sending out waves very much like the ripples in a pond when you throw in a pebble,” Nichol, who is part of the SDSS team, explains. “These ripples in matter grew for a million years until the universe cooled enough to freeze them in place. What we now see in the SDSS galaxy data is the imprint of these ripples billions of years later.”

Colleague Idit Zehavi now at Case Western University adds a different tone. Gravity’s signature could be likened to the resonance of a bell she suggests, “The last ring gets forever quieter and deeper in tone as the universe expands.” It is now so faint as to be detectable only by the most sensitive surveys. The SDSS has measured the tone of this last ring very accurately.”

“Comparing the measured value with that predicted by theory allows us to determine how fast the Universe is expanding,” explains Zehavi. This, as we have seen, depends on the amount of both dark matter and dark energy.

The triangle of evidence – microwave background, type Ia supernovae, and galactic large-scale structure – leads to only one possible conclusion: that there is not enough ordinary matter in the universe to make it behave in the way we observe and there is not enough normal energy to make it accelerate as it does. “The observations have forced us, unwillingly, into a corner,” says Nichol, “dark energy has to exist, but we do not yet know what it is.”

The next phase of SDSS research will be carried out by an international collaboration and sharpen the triangle still further along with the HETDEX results. “HETDEX adds greatly to the triangle of evidence for dark energy,” adds Hill, “because it measures large-scale structure at much greater look-back times between local measurements and the much older cosmic microwave background,” says Hill. As the results emerge, scientists might face the possibility that dark energy has changed over time or it may present evidence that requires modifications to the theory of gravity instead.


The Anglo-Australian team is also undertaking its own cosmic ripple experiment, Wiggle-Z. “This program is measuring the size of ripples in the Universe when the Universe was about 7 billion years old,” Brian Schmidt at Australian National University says. Schmidt was leader of the High-Z supernovae team that found the first accelerating evidence. SDSS and 2dF covered 1-2 billion years ago and HETDEX will measure ripples at 10 billion years. “Together they provide the best possible measure of what the Universe has been doing over the past several years,” Schmidt muses.


The Dark Energy Survey, another international collaboration, will make any photographer green with envy, but thankful they don’t have to carry it with them. The Fermilab team plans to build an extremely sensitive 500 Megapixel camera, with a 1 meter diameter and a 2.2 degree field of view that can grab those millions of pixels within seconds.

The camera itself will be mounted in a cage at the prime focus of the Blanco 4-meter telescope at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory, a southern hemisphere telescope owned and operated by the National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO). This instrument, while being available to the wider astronomical community, will provide the team with the necessary power to conduct a large scale sky survey.

Over five years, DES will use almost a third of the available telescope time to carry out its wide survey. The team hopes to achieve exceptional precision in measuring the properties of dark energy using counts of galaxy clusters, supernovae, large-scale galaxy clustering, and measurements of how light from distant objects is bent by the gravity of closer objects between it and the earth. By probing dark energy using four different methods, the Dark Energy Survey will also double check for errors, according to team member Joshua Frieman.


Subaru 51

According to Nichol, “The discovery of dark energy is very exciting because it has rocked the whole of science to its foundations.” Nichol is part of the WFMOS (wide field multi-object spectrograph) team hoping to build an array of spectrographs for the Subaru telescopes. These spectrographs will make observations of millions of galaxies across an enormous volume of space at a distances equivalent to almost two thirds the age of the universe. “Our results will sit between the very accurate HETDEX measurements and the next generation SDSS results coming in the next five years,” he explains, “All the techniques are complimentary to one another, and will ultimately help us understand dark energy.”


If earth-based studies have begun to reveal the secrets of dark energy, then three projects vying for attention could take the experiments off-planet to get a slightly closer look. The projects all hope to look at supernovae and the large-scale spread of matter. They will be less error prone than any single technique and so provide definitive results.

SNAP, SuperNova/Acceleration Probe, is led by Saul Perlmutter of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in Berkeley, California, one of the original supernova explorers. SNAP will observe light from thousands of Type Ia supernovae in the visible and infra-red regions of the spectrum as well as look at how that light is distorted by massive objects in between the supernovae and the earth.

Adept, Advanced Dark Energy Physics Telescope, is led by Charles Bennett of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland. This mission will also look at near-infrared light from 100 million galaxies and a thousand Type Ia supernovae. It will look for those cosmic ripples and so map out the positions of millions of galaxies. This information will allow scientists to track how the universe has changed over billions of years and the role played by dark energy.

Destiny, Dark Energy Space Telescope, led by Tod Lauer of the National Optical Astronomy Observatory, based in Tucson, Arizona, will detect and observe more than 3000 supernovae over a two-year mission and then survey a vast region of space looking at the lumpiness of the universe.


So, what is dark energy? “At this point it is pure speculation,” answers Hill, “The observations are currently too poor, so we are focusing on making the most accurate measurements possible.” Many scientists are rather embarrassed but equally excited by the thought that we understand only a tiny fraction of the universe. Understanding dark matter and dark energy is one of the most exciting quests in science. “Right now, we have no idea where it will lead, adds Hill.

Supernovae (NASA collage)

“Despite some lingering doubts, it looks like we are stuck with the accelerating universe,” says Schmidt. “The observations from supernovae, large-scale structure, and the cosmic microwave background look watertight,” he says. He too concedes that science is left guessing. The simplest solution is that dark energy was formed along with the universe. The heretical solution would mean modifying Einstein’s theory of General Relativity, which has so far been a perfect predictor of nature. “Theories abound,” Schmidt adds, “whatever the solution, it is exciting, but a very, very hard problem to solve.”

This David Bradley special feature article originally appeared on Sciencebase last summer, having been published in print in StarDate magazine – 2007-07-01-21:12:X1