Chemistry Central Journal launched

A new open access outlet for chemists’ peer reviewed research was launched today. Chemistry Central Journal. Publisher BMC says, the journal is the first international open access journal covering all of chemistry and will publish its first issue early in 2007.

Bryan Vickery, speaking today at the journal’s launch being held during the ACS meeting, said, ‘I am delighted by the number of noted chemists and scientists who have agreed to join the Editorial Advisory Board of the journal from the outset.” Among them is 1996 Nobel laureate Robert Curl. “I think open access journals are a great idea and am delighted to join this venture as a member of the Editorial Advisory Board,” he said.

Vickery continues, “Open communication of research results in physics and biomedicine has evolved rapidly over the last few years. Many believe Chemistry has lagged behind, with access to chemistry-related journals and databases still predominantly limited to subscribers only.”

Vickery explains that Chemistry Central Journal will offer a home for research in areas where there has previously been no open access journal available. “Chemistry Central Journal aims to change all that, by offering an open access publishing option to scientists worldwide,” Vickery says, “The journal will cover all areas of chemistry, and will be broken down into sections.”