Fen Edge Un-Events

We live on the Fen Edge patch, the south side of the Cambridgeshire Fens. Pre-corona I ran an events page on Facebook, FEE – Fen Edge Events. Sharing gigs, shows, fairs, events, and other stuff of interest to the locals.

In the midst of corona, I have repurposed the page for quarantine times, social distancing, and self-isolation as the Fen Edge Un-Events page and am sharing virtual cinema clubs, isolation gigs, online quizzes, Zoom pub crawls etc.

Museums and galleries, zoos, cathedrals, and other places of interest, even local gardening enthusiasts, offering virtual tours and access to webcams for free.

Tips and tricks for homeschooling, drawing and sketching techniques, maths tutorials, quizzes for adults and children, free books (electronic and audio), magazines (many free online if you have a library card).

Virtual cinema, book clubs, shared music, DJing, live streaming gigs (classic, rock, pop etc) and shows (comedy, theatrical, musical, opera, ballet).

Recordings of local shows and gigs, including CTW pantos.

Home workouts.

Music lessons and tutorials.

Science stuff, such as astronomy and observing info, birdwatching, and more. Also, citizen science projects you can join from home.

Suggestions for sharing images such as beaches, silent cities, teddy bears, rainbows, jokes.

Live (pub) quiz nights.

There will also be occasional public service announcements (PSAs), about the disease, about resources and utilities, grants for the vulnerable, wellness and mental health advice.

STAY HOME, STAY EDUTAINED, STAY WELL – We will get through this together, apart!

Join here https://www.facebook.com/groups/cottenham