Hands up, who hasn’t had COVID-19?

TL:DR – I disappointingly succumbed to a COVID-19 infection in February 2022.

So, mid-February 2022 I got a sniffle and a bit of a sore throat, like a common cold coming on. Did a lateral flow test and what do you know – positive for SARS-CoV-2, dammit. Ten days of isolation and an awful sore throat, an unsleepable sore throat, in fact, but thankfully no breathing problems. I’ve managed to take a couple of walks since and a bit of a bike ride, but they’re very stop and start, albeit managing about 3 miles. My lungs aren’t working at full capacity, I must admit, and I feel a bit post-viral.

I feel lucky and privileged to have been doubly vaccinated and also to have had a booster shot*, all of which was free at point of access on the NHS. I don’t know how well I would’ve fared if I hadn’t been vaccinated, but I doubt it would have been well given my underlying conditions. By coincidence, I have a free consultation with the doctor later this week to check lung function and other stuff. Hopefully, the doc will tweak my NHS-subsidised prescriptions a little and I’ll be on my way and good to go.

Thank you NHS.

*Not a jab, a shot, I hate that word “jab”.

Incidentally, despite proclamations by our government to suggest that the pandemic is behind us, I know more people who have the disease right now than the total number I knew who had it in the two years previously.