Images Reveal Titan’s Secrets

Images reveal Titan’s secrets: “Spacecraft is 8.9 feet in diameter and 703 pounds (317 kg).”

Those significant figures fascinate me! Why do news agencies insist on giving us such levels of alleged precision. 8.9 feet! That’s 106.8 inches as opposed to 108 inches. Who cares about that 1.2 when you’ve travelled 2 billion miles from home? And, where did they get that 703 pounds, 317kg? Presumably, thes figures have been converted back and forth as I reckon the craft was more than likely given as 700 pounds and someone turned that into kg somewhere and then turned it back again using different conversion factors…but, who cares. 700 lbs, 300 kg, it’s not like anyone is going back to Titan to check.