Rinse your recycling

Rinsing food packaging before putting in your recycling bin is critical to making the process as efficient and as effective as possible. Efficient recycling processes can significantly reduce the environmental impact compared to producing new materials from virgin resources.

Rinsing packaging helps reduce contamination in the recycling stream. Contaminated materials can lead to lower-quality recyclables, which may be rejected or require additional processing, thereby increasing costs and energy consumption. Higher-quality recycled materials fetch better prices in the market and have broader applications, contributing to a more sustainable recycling industry.

Rinsing packaging does require additional water usage. However, the amount of water needed for rinsing is generally minimal compared to other household activities. If you can use grey water, or even collected rainwater, for rinsing all the better. The simplest approach is just to add the dirty packaging to the end of your normal washing up. There is no need to put tins, cans, or plastic pots in the dishwasher, of course.

Rinsing also avoids residues that can affect the maintenance requirements and lifespan of recycling equipment. Residue buildup can lead to equipment corrosion, increased wear and tear, and the need for more frequent cleaning and maintenance cycles, all of which contribute to higher operational costs and resource usage.

Encouraging rinsing as a standard practice can also have broader effects on environmental awareness and behaviour. It reinforces the importance of proper waste management and encourages individuals to consider the environmental consequences of their actions.