Technological whirlwind

Best of Technology WritingFancy a whirlwind tour of some of the best technology writing of the year? As part of the digitalculturebooks series from the University of Michigan Press, Brendan Koerner has compiled some of the most stimulating and fascinating feature articles from the web and print media by the likes of the NYT’s David Bernstein, New Republic’s David Bell, Mike Daisy on Slate, Dan Ferber in Popular Science magazine, and many more.

The subjects covered are incredibly diverse, covering search engines, wikis and online social networking to the quest for a personal jet pack and the invention of the karaoke machine (which has apparently made it’s inventor not one Yen).

This neat little tome offers a grand over view (as well as a whirlwind tour!) of most technological niches you care to mention and highlights just how amazing human tool-making has become. Even for the tech-savvy reader it springs quite a few surprises.

Koerner is a contributing editor for Wired (which means he writes for the magazine and has his name on the masthead, I presume), a columnist for the NYT and Slate.

In the world of technology the pace is fast and the stakes are high. Jump into that whirlwind and prepare to be inspired.

Best of Technology Writing 2006 is available from, of course.