The odour of ordure

If the manure they delivered with which you plan to fertilise your #AllotmentLife soil still smells of manure then it has not rotted down sufficiently to be a good fertiliser that won’t compromise the growth of root vegetables, such as carrots and parsnips, for instance.

I’ve not worked out exactly why, but a likely explanation is that you want root veg to probe deep and grow their tap root a long way into the soil, if the nutrients they need are near the surface and at high concentrations, then they won’t need to probe so deeply to feed the green part of the plant and to bloom so that they might reproduce. But that doesn’t really explain why if you plant carrots on soil with fresh horse manure as fertiliser they tend to bifurcate into two roots and roots with side-arms etc.

Anyway, allotmenteer friends had a delivery. The horse muck is apparently well rotted and we’re to take a dozen barrels if we want it for our own plot. Right next to that male is some bovine ordure, bullsh*t to you and me…although actually its from bullocks rather than bulls, a minor detail. It doesn’t look half as wholesome as the more pebbly horse dung though, more like a big pile of claggy brown mud full of straw. Not fun to shovel over the plot I wouldn’t have thought.