Thirty years in science communication

Thirty years today since I started in science communication, first as a technical editor at the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) and then as a freelance writer for countless magazines, newspapers, trade publications, and then websites, and more. You can see a comprehensive list here. I’ve co-written and contributed to a large number of books in that time, but only written one entirely on my own (Deceived Wisdom)! I still occasionally write for those original outlets, some of them have disappeared, and I am still working for one or two clients that I picked up along the way, one I’ve worked with for 18 years in February.

This year also marks the twentieth anniversary of the Sciencebase website in July, although I had proto-versions of it on various hosts dating back to December 1995!

Regular readers will have noticed a shift of emphasis in recent years, whereas it was originally Science Science Science, over the last decade or so I’ve made public my two main creative hobbies – Snaps and Songs. So that the piechart of what I publish has three main slices now – the science writing, my photography, and my music. There was a time when Sciencebase the site used to see 20,000 visitors every day, I’ve got the logs to prove it, but these days, that figure is a monthly aspiration, oh well. I’m still having fun. I hope you enjoy the Science, Snaps, and Songs too.

I should also point out that today was the day I met the wonderful woman who would was to become my wife, Mrs Sciencebase as we know and love her on Twitter ;-)