Algo Bait

TL:DR – I tried to coin a term for the kind of content that is designed to game algorithms.

First, there was years of keyword stuffing by spammy websites trying to get up the search engine results pages (SERPs), then there were text link advertising and guest posts that attempted to game the search engines in the name of search engine optimisation (SEO ). Then it was more about clickbait, make a headline attention-grabbing enough (regardless of the actual quality of the content to which it points), people visit those and share those and the spammers attempt to go viral.

Now, it’s Algo Bait, algobait, material created, headlined, and linked in order to game the social media algorithms. It should all be avoided, it’s all BS.

I asked ChatGPT to explain the term algo bait, this is what it had to say about a term I thought I’d only just coined!

Algo bait is a neologism used in the context of online marketing and advertising. It refers to a technique used to attract algorithmic attention and improve a website’s ranking on search engines, social media, and other online platforms.

Similar to “click bait,” which refers to sensational or provocative headlines designed to attract clicks, “algo bait” refers to content that is designed to attract algorithmic attention. This can include specific keywords, meta tags, and other optimization techniques that are intended to increase the visibility and ranking of a website on search engine results pages (SERPs).

In short, algo bait is a technique used to optimize online content to attract the attention of algorithms and improve a website’s ranking, visibility, and ultimately drive more traffic to a website.