Science OPML

For anyone who’d like to import all the individual Sciencebase news feeds in one fell swoop, you can grab the Sciencebase OPML file here.

If you’re unsure what an rss feed is click here, and if you don’t know what you can do with an OPML click here. So long as that ‘opml validated’ button appears in this post then the sciencebase opml file is in working order and you should be able to import all the links to the various sciencebase 2.0 categories with your news aggregator. Once imported you can delete any in which you’re not interested (perish the thought) and rest assured that you won’t then miss any of my random ramblings.

If you’re still unsure as to whether to syndicate sciencebase feeds, consider this: Sciencebase is ranked #657 by technorati and has 1,853 links from 1,112 sites reported by that blog directory alone.

You can also grab a selection of the feeds I read via my personal Google Reader OPML file (more details on the David Bradley RSS Subscriptions page)