Short-eared Owls at Burwell Fen

A 7- or 8-mile hike from NT Wicken Fen car park out through Burwell Fen to The Anchor in Burwell and back via the electric sub-station. Timing was perfect, just ahead of sunset by the time we got to the western side of Burwell Fen, there were about 20 others with cameras waiting for the local Short-eared Owls (Asio flammeus) to emerge for their late-afternoon prandials. Reckon we saw three of possibly six that live around this Fen.

Short-eared owl Burwell Fen

Like I say, there were quite a few people on the Fen watching out for owls and hoping for a great photo.

Short-eared owl photographer

Short-eared owl photographers

Oh, and here’s that 7.65 mile route to the pub and back via the owls…

Walking route Wicken to Burwell

Then, there were these snappers who seemed to be snapping me rather than the shortie heading across their bow.

Oh, and one last shot just the sun was sinking and one of the shorties headed off over the Fen.